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Tipping Culture: Unleash Your Inner Rebel


Welcome to the Rugged Reign manifesto on tipping culture, where we plunge headfirst into the chaotic realm of this societal custom. In a world that seems to have lost its mind, what better way to assert your masculinity than by crafting a bulletproof plan for navigating the tipping minefield? Whether you're indulging in a meal, getting a haircut, sipping on coffee, munching on a Subway sandwich, picking up dry cleaning, fueling up, or engaging in whatever the hell else life throws your way, it's high time to take a stand.

money spelled out with scrabble pieces surrounded by coins

Allow me to be brutally honest – I've been in the trenches, grinding as a server and bartender during my rebellious university days. I understand it firsthand; tipping literally puts bread on the table. However, now, at the ripe age of 38, my perspective has evolved into shades of black and white, with no room for the gray areas.

Before we delve into the specifics, let's acknowledge a game-changer – geography. Whether you're savoring the high life on the West Coast or chilling in the laid-back southern backwaters, minimum wages and living standards dance to a different beat. So, dear rebels, tip wisely. Pay attention to your surroundings and soak in the economic vibe of your state or province.

Currently, I call the wild province of British Columbia home, where labor shortages have propelled minimum wages to a jaw-dropping $15-25/hour. Imagine this: servers raking in over 100K annually thanks to tips, and your friendly neighborhood Subway sandwich artist pulling in more dough than you'd ever believe. Fast food part-timers rolling in the big bucks? It's not a punchline; it's just cold, hard math.

But now, let's dive into the trenches of keeping your tipping game razor-sharp:

  1. Pre-tax or Bust: With receipt in hand, cut through the tax-fueled chaos. Tipping should happen on the real deal, not the government's cut.
  1. Battle Inflation Taxes: Some joints have the audacity to slap on 'inflationary taxes' to cover minimum wage hikes. Reject that noise; subtract it from your tips.
  1. Portal Prompts Be Damned: Ignore those sly percentage suggestions. Stick to a cool 10% for average service and 15% for excellence, all based on the pre-tax number.
  1. Service is King: Tip where service is more than a transaction. In a restaurant, sure. At Subway, where you're just swapping cash for a sandwich, save your hard-earned money. 
  1. Don't Be a Chump: Society may act like sheep, but you're no follower. Feel no guilt; the service industry will survive without your excess generosity.

So there you have it—an insurgent-ready guide to navigating the tumultuous waters of tipping culture. Stick to these edgy tips, and remember: martyrdom and guilt only make you weak.

Written by:

Jared Holland

Founder-Rugged Reign

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